Launched in September 2009, by Raj Sewak and Anjula Sewak in hopes of filling the gaps in the education system in the foundational years, i-Academy has established itself as a multi-disciplinary educational hub in North East Calgary. For years, we have been developing children through innovative educational programs that add lifelong skills to provide a unique, competitive edge. Our specialized programs are extensively researched to be the leaders in their respective fields. We have trained over 2000 students in the past ten years.

our Phenomenal

UCMAS is a whole-brain development program for young children between the age of 6 and 13. UCMAS Mental Math enhances brain development through the study of abacus-based arithmetic and visualization techniques.

i-Maths is a unique early learning math program for kids aged 3-7 years that inspires critical and creative thinking in them.
Dynamic English

DEEP is a personalized literacy course designed to complement the English language instruction of the school day. Providing academic content in an engaging and supportive environment to enrich learning.
Early Learning Preschool

Early Learning Preschool is a theme-based program targeted at developing the necessary skills for kindergarten. Building a strong foundation for children based on whole-brain development.
iLEAP Club

At iLEAP Club, students build emotional intelligence through social development and soft skills learning. Soft skills are a combination of life skills that build up your child’s communication, leadership & Public speaking skills.

My son has developed a lot of mental math skills, he has started loving maths after joining UCMAS. He can quickly calculate numbers before we can even open calculators on our phones. It has also helped to boost his confidence; I would recommend everyone to give it a try!!
Satbir Gill
Parent (UCMAS Program)

We are extremely very happy to send our son, Dhana Surya to the UCMAS Mental Math Program. It helped him improve his self-confidence, discipline, and focus. We would like to thank Mr. Sandeep and all the course instructors for putting amazing efforts into teaching my son to achieve success. He feels very comfortable and confident to solve his problems at the school level.
Mahesh Mucherla
Parent (UCMAS Program)

After joining UCMAS his concentration and listening power have increased tremendously. He can calculate mentally faster than us adults.